GroundWorks Safety Systems Inc. has invented the Safest, Fastest, Lightest and most Economical to use Trench box in the world. Safety is the number one reason that we invented the new Gravity Lock Trench Box System. There is nothing safer both in and out of the trench. Designed to keep workers out of the line of fire and safe from pinch points. The simplicity makes it so the worker is able to keep a safe distance by using a tag line. Less than 15 minutes with 1 machine, 1 operator and 1 worker, is all that is needed for set up and take down. This results in the risk to worker being virtually eliminated while saving thousands of percent in time and money.
Built with premium hi-tensile steels we have engineered a trench box that is lighter, stronger and long lasting. Hi-tensile steels have over 3x the the yield strength of normal (mild) steels, better spring back and better wear resistance.
The 4 Sided Universal Connector System makes it so boxes can be stacked or made 4 sided in minutes instead of hours or days. Two Gravity Lock trench boxes can be assembled and stacked in under forty minutes and a four sided box can be done in under one hour. A stacked four sided box can be done in under three hours. The panels can be turned 90 degrees and used along with adapters on the universal connector system. The 4 foot panels that go on top of the box do not need struts to keep them apart, instead heavy duty adapters are used to connect these panels.
There are so many time saving innovative uses for this patent pending four sided connection system, the configurations are virtually endless.
We have taken one of the most difficult and dangerous products in the trench safety industry and made it our simplest and safest to use.
In a few minutes the GroundWorks High Arch can be adjusted to width and then lifted into a locked position with no one ever in the line of fire. The safety cannot be matched and the time and money savings is unprecedented. To disassemble unlock the latch at eye level and a machine lifts the one side of the system allowing it to safely float back to the ground in 1 minute, and ready to load.
Available up to 40' width while maintaining full panel depth.
When comparing between a GroundWorks Gravity Lock Trench Box and a “traditional” trench box for set up and take down time, it is immediately clear that a new revolutionary product has entered the market.
With the Massive savings in time and manpower from using a GroundWorks Gravity Lock Trench Box you can literally pay for the product within the first dozen uses in comparison to using a traditional trench box.
In Western Canada it is common practice when quoting or bidding a job to allow 4 hours with 5 to 7 workers and one to two machines for the setup of a single 10’ X 12’ traditional trench box with a 10 foot spreader. This is an average of 24 man hours and 6 machine hours to assemble or disassemble a traditional trench box
The GroundWorks Gravity Lock Trench box set up time is: 1 machine with operator and 1 worker 15 minutes for almost any size of a GroundWorks Gravity Lock Trench box. This is a .25 machine hour and .25 man hour to assemble or disassemble a GroundWorks system.
This has been used as a default setting for the calculator below.
Most jobs require multiple trench boxes on a site. Large civil and pipeline companies do thousands of jobs per year using trench box systems. These costs can be drastically reduced by using the GroundWorks Gravity Lock Trench Box. Fill in the number of trench box's per job and jobs per year to see your savings.
GroundWorks Safety Systems Inc. has removed the inherent danger and difficulty of set up and take down of a trench box, making it truly a safer more efficient product to use. Yes money and time are saved on every use, but the Gravity Lock Trench Box was invented to be safer and WHAT PRICE DO YOU PUT ON SAFETY?